Free Virtual Workshops for Employees about Sexual Harassment at Work

We will be providing information and tools to employees about how to prevent and address sexual harassment in the workplace. Anyone can attend and there is no need to register or RSVP.

We are trying to reach as many people as possible and to break through the denial that exists in the general population about this problem. At least half of women have experienced sexual harassment at work at some point in their careers and over 70% of them did not report it to anyone, not even a friend or family member. Of those who did report it, only 10% were happy with the outcome. Sexual harassment can have a profoundly negative impact on the victim’s career, mental health and sense of safety in the workplace. It can, and often does, lead to a “poisoned work environment” for other employees as well.

Here is the link to the Zoom meeting on August 26th:

Topic: SHIW workshop for Employees

Time: Aug 26, 2020 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


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